Dubiel and DubielItalic are Type 1, ATM-compatible PostScript fonts modeled on the fonts Torino and Torino Italic. They are similar to a condensed Bodoni, except with lighter strokes. They work well both as text and display fonts. The bitmap fonts have not been retouched, so screen output will be somewhat uneven in small sizes. A TrueType™ version of this font is also available.
Here is a sample of Dubiel at about 70 points:
And Dubiel Italic:
Both fonts contain a full set of characters, numbers, punctuation and diacritical characters. The FOND resources have not been merged, so if you have both fonts installed you have to choose the font DubielItalic to get DubielItalic -- choosing Dubiel and then the "Italic" style will only slant the Dubiel font by 15 degrees. Sad, but true.
Both fonts have more than 200 kerning pairs installed. They should look pretty good at 12 points at 300-dpi, and fabulous at 48 points and above. The fonts' "signature" characters are located at shift-option-1. You may also be interested with the alternative "Apple" characters in the fonts.
Dubiel and DubielItalic are copyright 1991 by David Rakowski. All Rights Reserved, Tous droites reservées, alle rechte vorbehalten. Both fonts are shareware, or donateware. If you like and use these fonts, please make a tax-deductible donation of $14.99 to Columbia University (your donation helps pay for performances of music written by Columbia students; unfortunately, the Columbia Composers was a casualty of a recent belt-tightening move at Columbia). If you have already donated for DavysDingbats, this font is free to you. Please send your check to Cynthia Lemiesz, 703 Dodge Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 and write "CU composers - Dubiel" on the check.
You can give copies of these fonts out, providing all the files in this archive are included. User groups and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations may sell disks with these fonts on them; for-profit organizations and public domain/shareware houses are strictly prohibited from selling this font. Commercial distribution is prohibited.
I suppose I should mention that my wife really digs the "2" in the Dubiel font.
These fonts come to you from Insect Bytes, an area where touch-tone dialing is a very recent innovation.